Periyodik Dergiler |
Mineral Processing
General Mining
Madencilik, Turkey The Northern Miner, Canada Andean Mineral Survey Engineering and Mining Journal, USA Mining Magazine Mining Journal Register of Australian Mining International California Mining Journal Minerals Gazette Miners News Mining Business Digest Mining Weekly Mining Technology (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. A.)- Australia Register of Indonesian Mining Register of Pacific Mining The Prospector International California Mining Journal Mineral Resources EngineeringMarkets/Finance
American Metal Market Online, USA Roskill Reports on Metals and Minerals Bloomsbury Minerals Economics -Copper Briefing Service Minerals and Energy - Raw Materials ReportEnvironmental/Political/Policy
North American Mining, USA Mine Water and the Environment Mining Environmental Management Environmental Science & TechnologyEquipment/Technology
Mining Equipment and Technology World Mining EquipmentGold
Register of African Gold Australian Gold Annual Gold Gazette Australia Miners News The Mining Business Digest World GoldQuarrying/Industrial Minerals
Pit & Quarry Magazine Rock Products Industrial Minerals Information Ltd Cement and Concrete World (Çimento ve Beton Dünyası)Coal
Coal AgeYer Bilimleri Dergileri (Alfabetik)
- Acta Crystallographica Section A-Foundations of Crystallography
- Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science
- Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications
- Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica
- Acta Oecologica
- Acta Vulcanologica
- Advances in Environmental Research
- Advances in Space Research with COSPAR Information Bulletin
- Advances in Water Resources
- Aerosol Science and Technology
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- American Crystallographic Association Newsletters
- American Journal of Science
- American Mineralogist
- AMS Newsletter
- Annales de Paléontologie
- Annales Geophysicae
- Annali di Geofisica
- Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Annual Review of Energy and Environment
- Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
- Antarctic Science
- APGE Microseep Newsletter
- Applied Clay Science
- Applied Geographic Studies
- Applied Geography
- Applied Geochemistry
- Applied Ocean Research
- Applied Radiation and IsoYukarıes incorporating Nuclear Geophysics
- Applied Spectroscopy
- Aqua
- Aquatic Geochemistry
- Aquatic Sciences
- Archaeological Prospection
- Arctic and Alpine Research
- Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation
- Atmosphere-Ocean
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics
- Atmospheric Environment
- Atmospheric Research
- Australian Geographical Studies
- Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Australian Journal of Soil Research
- Basin Research
- Basin Research Institute Newsletter
- Biogeochemistry
- Blueline
- Boletim Paranaense de Geociencias
- Boreas
- Boundary-Layer Meteorology
- Brazilian Geophysical Journal
- Bulletin de Géologie (University of Lausanne)
- Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France
- Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
- Bulletin of Seismological Society of America
- Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
- Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
- Bulletin of the Denmark Geological Society
- Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
- Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan
- Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan
- Bulletin of Volcanology
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal
- Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science
- Canadian Mineralogist
- Cartographica
- Cartographica Helvetica
- Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
- Catena
- Cave and Karst Science
- Chemical Geology including IsoYukarıe Geoscience
- Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
- Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology
- Chromatographia
- Clay Minerals
- Clays and Clay Minerals
- Clay Science
- Climatic Change
- Climate Dynamics
- Climate Research
- Coastal Engineering
- Cold Regions Science and Technology
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science
- Computational Geosciences
- Computational Seismology and Geodynamics
- Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
- Computers & Geosciences on-line
- Computer & Geotechnics
- Conservation Ecology
- Continental Shelf Research
- Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
- Coral Reefs
- Cretaceous Research
- Cryosphere
- Crystallography Reports
- Crystallography Reviews
- Crystal Research and Technology
- Cumulative Index of SEG, EAEG, ASEG and CSEG Publications, 1936-1995
- Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
- Deep Sea Research Part II: Yukarıical Studies in Oceanography
- Disasters
- Drilling and Completion Fluids
- Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
- Earth Magazine
- Earth Observation and Remote Sensing
- Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku)
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Earth-Science Reviews
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters
- Earth in Space
- Earth Interactions
- Earth, Moon and Planets
- Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
- Earthquake Spectra
- Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae and Birkhåuser Publisher site
- Ecological Applications
- Ecology and Ecological Monographs
- Economic Geology
- EdgeNet Online the SEG Electronic Newsletter
- Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
- Electronic Geology
- Electronic Oil Exploration
- Engineering Geology
- Environmental Conservation
- Environmental and Engineering Geology
- Environmental Engineering and Policy
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health
- Environmental Geology
- Environmental Geoscience
- Environmental Geosciences
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Reviews
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Environment, Development and Sustainability
- ErzmetallJournal for Mining, Processing, Metallurgy, Recycling and Environmental Technology
- Espeleotemas in Spanish
- Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
- Estudios Geologicos
- Eurasian Soil Science
- European Mass Spectrometry
- European Journal of Mineralogy
- European Journal of Soil Biology
- European Journal of Soil Science
- European Water Pollution Control
- Everglades Geological Society Bulletin
- Experiments in Fluids
- Exploration and Mining Geology
- Extremes
- First Break
- Fossils and Strata
- Freiberger Forschungshefte - Palåontologie, Stratigraphie, Fazies
- Freiberger Online Geosciences
- Geo-Marine Letters
- Geoarchaeology
- Geochemical Journal
- Geochemistry International
- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Geoderma
- Geodinamica Acta
- geoDrilling International
- Geografiska Annaler Series A: Physical Geography
- Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography
- Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography
- Geographical Analysis
- Geographical Systems
- Geographie Physique et Quaternaire
- Geoinformatica (Kluwer)
- Geoinformatica (University of Rome, Italy)
- GeoJournal
- Geologica Romana
- Geological Abstracts
- Geological Journal
- Geological Magazine
- Geologie en Mijnbouw
- Geologische Rundschau
- Geologiskt Forum (in Swedish)
- Geology
- Geologiya i Geofizika
- Geology and Environment
- Geology of Ore Deposits
- Geology of the Pacific Ocean
- Geology Today
- Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
- Geomechanics Abstracts
- Geomorphology
- Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Geophysical Prospecting
- Geophysical Research Letters
- Geophysical Journal International
- Geophysics
- Geophysics Online
- GeoPor (in Portuguese)
- Geoscience Canada
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
- Geotectonics
- Geotextiles and Geomembranes
- Geothermal Science and Technology
- Geothermics
- Geotimes
- Geowissenschaften
- GFF Journal of the Geological Society of Sweden
- Global and Planetary Change
- Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Grana
- Ground Water
- Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
- Grundwasser (in German)
- GSA Bulletin
- GSA Today
- Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology
- Houston Geological Society Bulletin
- Hydrocarbon Processing
- Hydrofacts
- Hydrogeology Journal
- Hydrological Processes
- Hydrological Science Journal
- Hydrometallurgy
- Icarus
- ICES Journal of Marine Science
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- Il Nuovo Cimento: Geophysics and Space Physics
- In Situ
- InterMet
- International Geology Review
- International Gold Mining Newsletter
- International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics and Cumulative Index
- International Journal of Climatology
- International Journal of Coal Geology
- International Journal of Fracture
- International Journal of Geographical Information Science
- International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes
- International Journal of Mineral Processing
- International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
- International Journal of Salt Lake Research
- International Petroleum Abstracts
- Irrigation Science
- IsoYukarıes in Environmental and Health Studies
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Issues in Ecology
- Izvestia - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
- Izvestia - Physics of the Solid Earth
- JGR - Atmospheres & AGU site
- JGR - Oceans
- JGR - Planets
- JGR - Solid Earth &;AGU site
- JGR - Space Physics &AGU site
- Journal of Aerosol Science
- Journal of African Earth Sciences
- Journal of Applied Crystallography
- Journal of Applied Geophysics
- Journal of Applied Meteorology
- Journal of Arid Environments
- Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
- Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
- Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
- Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
- Journal of Climate
- Journal of Computer-Assisted Microscopy
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
- Journal of Crystal Growth
- Journal of Energy Resources and Technology
- Journal of Environmental Hydrology
- Journal of Environmental Quality
- Journal of Evolutionary Biology starting January 1999
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics
- Journal of Foraminiferal Research
- Journal of Geochemical Exploration
- Journal of Geodesy
- Journal of Geodynamics
- Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity
- Journal of Geomicrobiology
- Journal of Glacial Geology and Geomorphology
- Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
- Journal of Hydrology
- Journal of Human Evolution
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance
- Journal of Marine Research
- Journal of Marine Systems
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry
- Journal of Metamorphic Geology (Blackwell)
- Journal of Micropalaeontology
- Journal of Mining Science
- Journal of Oceanography
- Journal of Paleontology and Allen Press's Page
- Journal of Paleolimnology
- Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
- Journal of Petroleum Technology
- Journal of Petroleum Technology Today
- Journal of Petrology
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
- Journal of Population Geography
- Journal of Quaternary Science
- Journal of Radyoanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
- Journal of Raman Spectrometry
- Journal of Sedimentary Research
- Journal of Seismology
- Journal of South American Earth Sciences
- Journal of Structural Geology
- Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
- Journal of the Crystallographic Society of Japan
- Journal of The Geological Society
- Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
- Journal of the Volcanic Home Page
- Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
- Journal of Water Sciences
- L'Anthropologie
- La Metéorologie
- Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management
- Landscape Ecology
- Lapis Mineralogical Magazine (journal for collectors)
- Lethaia
- Lithology and Mineral Resources and Plenum site
- Lithos
- Lithosphere
- Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin
- Mangroves and Salt Marshes
- Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing
- Marine and Freshwater Research
- Marine and Petroleum Geology
- Marine Chemistry
- Marine Environmental Engineering
- Marine Geodesy
- Marine Geology
- Marine Geophysical Researches
- Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
- Marine Micropaleontology
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews
- Mathematical Geology and IAMG site
- Mémoires de Géologie (University of Lausanne)
- Memorie di Scienze Geologiche (Padua University)
- Meteorite
- Meteoritics and Planetary Science
- Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts
- Meteorological Applications
- Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
- Mineralium Deposita
- Mineralogical Abstracts
- Mineralogical Journal
- Mineralogical Magazine
- Mineralogical Society Bulletin
- Mineralogy & Petrology
- Minerals and Metallurgical Processes
- Minerals Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Mining Environmental Management
- Mining Journal
- Mining Journal Gold Service New title World Gold
- Mining Annual Review
- Mining Magazine
- Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
- Modern Geology
- Monthly Weather Review [Abs, AS, FA (.html, .pdf), TOC]
- Natural Hazards
- New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics[Abs, TOC]
- New Waves Newsletter [Abs, AS, EB, Search, TOC]
- No-Dig International [AS, FA (extracts), SUB, TOC]
- Non-Linear Processes in Geophysics
- Nonrenewable Resources
- North American Mining
- Norwegian Journal of Geography
- Norwegian Journal of Geology
- Ocean Engineering
- Ocean News
- Ocean Oil
- Oceanographic Literature Review formerly Deep Sea Research Part B
- Oceanologica Acta
- Oceanology
- Oecologia
- Offshore
- Oil and Gas Journal [AS, FA (after subscription), SUB, TOC]
- Oil & Energy Trends
- Oil & Energy Trends: Annual Statistical Review
- Oil and Gas Technology China
- Oil and Gas Technology Newsletter [FA]
- Oil and Gas Technology Russia
- Oil Gas and Petrochemical Equipment
- Oilfield Review
- OPEC Review
- Ore Geology Reviews
- Organic Geochemistry
- Palaeoceanography[AS, EB, IA, TOC]
- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
- Palaeontographia Italica [AS, EB, IA, TOC, VI]
- Palaeopelagos Journal [AS, EB, IA, TOC]
- Palaios[Abs, AS, EB, IA, TOC]
- Paleobiology
- PaleoBios
- Paleoclimates
- Paleontologica Electronica [AS, EB, IA]
- Paleontological Journal
- Paleontology
- Palynology
- Periodico di Mineralogia [AI, SI]
- Permafrost and Periglacial Processes and John Wiley site
- Petroleum Chemistry (Neftekhimiya)
- Petroleum Geoscience
- Petrology
- Physical Geography
- Physical Oceanography
- Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
- Physics of Fluids
- Pipeline [FA, SUB, TOC]
- Pipe Line & Gas Industry [FA (some of them), SUB, TOC]
- Planetary and Space Science
- Planetary Science Research Discoveries
- Plinius in Italian
- Polar and Glaciological Abstracts
- Polar Geography
- Polar Record
- Powder Diffraction Journal
- Precambrian Research
- Proceedings of the Geologists' Association
- Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) INITIAL REPORTS
- Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) SCIENTIFIC RESULTS
- Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society [AS, EB]
- Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society
- Profil (University of Stuttgart) [Abs, TOC, VI (to download for Mac and W95)]
- Progress in Oceanography
- Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH)
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
- Quaternary International
- Quaternary Research
- Quaternary Science Reviews
- Radiation Measurements
- Radiocarbon [Abs, FA (experimental), SUB, TOC]
- Radio Science [AS, EB, IA, TOC]
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
- Regulated Rivers
- Remote Sensing of Environment
- Remote Sensing Reviews
- Reviews of Geophysics
- Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
- Revista Latinoamericano
- Risk Analysis
- Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
- Rocky Mountain Oil Journal
- Russian Geocryological Research
- Russian Journal of Ecology and Plenum Site
- Russian Oil and Gas Guide
- Scandinavian Oil-Gas Magazine
- Science and the Environment
- Science in China, Series D: Earth Sciences
- Sciences of Soils [Abs, AS, EB, FA, IA, on-line, SUB, TOC]
- Scottish Journal of Geology
- Search & Discovery [AS, FA (.html), IA, TOC]
- SEDA Abstracts
- Sedimentary Geology
- Sedimentology
- Seismological Research Letters
- Separation and Purification Technology
- Shock Waves
- Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography [
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry
- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
- Soil Science
- Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Soil Technology
- Southeastern Geology
- SPE Computer Applications
- SPE Drilling & Completion
- SPE Formation Evaluation
- SPE Journal
- SPE Production &;Facilities
- SPE Reservoir Engineering
- Spelaeologia Croatica Journal
- Speleological Abstracts
- Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation
- Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica
- Surveys in Geophysics
- Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology
- Tectonics
- Tectonophysics [Abs, AI, AS, EB, FA (.pdf) until 1st August 1998, IA, SI, SUB, TOC]
- Tellus A
- Tellus B
- Tenki Bulletin Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (in Japanese) [TOC (in English)]
- Terra Nova
- The Canadian Geographer
- The Earth and Planetary Science Express
- The Environmentalist
- The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System
- The Island Arc
- The Journal of Geology
- The Journal of Meteorology
- The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
- The Lattice
- The Leading Edge
- The Oilman
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- The PaleoNet Forum: An Irregular Electronic Journal
- The Petroleum Abstracts Bulletin
- The Professional Geographer
- The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology
- The Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
- The Tropical Geomorphology Newsletter
- Theoretical and Applied Climatology
- Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union
- Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences/Earth Science Sections
- Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers [EB, FAD (sample papers .pdf), IA, SUB, TOC]
- Transport in Porous Media
- Tunneling and Underground Space Technology
- Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
- Water, air and soil pollution
- Water Quality International
- Water Research
- Water Resource Research
- Water Resources and Plenum site
- Water Resources Management
- Water Science and Technology
- Water Supply
- Water Well Journal
- Weather
- Weather and Forecasting [Abs, AS, FA (.html, .pdf), TOC]
- World Oil
- World Oil Trade
- World Tunneling
- Zeitschrift für Kristallographie
- Zeitschrift für Kulturtechnik und Landentwicklung
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernåhrung und Bodenkunde (Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science)
- Zeolites ( New Title: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials)
Okunma Sayısı: 3509
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