Açıklama: 195
Yıl: 2003
Okunma Sayısı: 13
- Mining Life Cycle Modelling for Environmental Control and Waste Minimasation
- Environmental Issues and Eco-Based Mine Planning
- Environmental Issues in the Extraction of Phosphate Ore from Abu-Tartour Mine, Egypt
- Addressing Small-Scal Gold Mining Problems in Ghana
- Mining Method Selection in Third Anomaly of Gol-E-Gohar Iron Ore Deposit
- Stability Analysis of the Second Sit of the Sarcheshmeh Heap Leaching
- Problems of Environment Protection During the Utilization of Spent Vanadium Catalysts
- Technologies for Environment Protection at Mins of Non-ferrous Metallurgy and Their Indroduction in Practice
- Sustainable Development in The Salt Industry of Romani
- Evaluating the Loss of <<Geological>> Lignite in <<Zebra>> Type Deposits
- Rock Engineering and Ground Control
- South African Mining Industry in the Nw Millenium and New Technologies For The Future
- MERGİNG Support Concpt: Thin Spray-on Liners
- Staudy of Load Transfer Capacity of Bolts Using Short Encapsulation Push Test
- 3-D Estimation of Stresses Around A Longwall Face by Using Finite Difference Method
- Fracture Toughness Analysis of Ankara Andsite
- An Example and Comparison of Old and Nex Tunnel Support Estimation Methods
- Ground Control Problems and Roadheader Drivage at Ombilin Coal Mine, Indonesia
- Slope Stability at Gol-E-Gohar Iron Mine
- Rock Mass Classification Using A Computer Program-Classmass
- Determination of the Optimum Cement Content for Paste Backfill Samples
- Mine Mechanization
- Application of Fuel Cells in Underground Mining and Tunnelling
- Possibility of Using Mechanical Miners in Underground Chromite Mines
- Large Mobile Minang Equipment Operating On Soft Ground
- Dragline Cycle Tim Analysis - Case Study
- Draglines - The Same <<Old>> Stuff?
- Haulag Optimisation in An Australian Underground Metal Mine
- Drilling and Blasting
- Application of Van Ruth Wire Line Core Orientator at The Sarcheshmeh Open Pit Mine
- Drillability Prediction in Rotary Blast Hole Drilling
- Application of Stemming Plugs and A Cas Study in A Limestone Quarry
- Technologis for Optimizing Drilling and Blasting in Opn - Pit Mines
- Impact Machines for Without-Blast Destruction of Rocks
- Health and Safety
- Coal Mine Explosion Suppression Using Active On-Board Supprssion Systems-The South African Experience
- Appraisal of Self-Contained Self Rescuers for Use in Australian Coalmines
- A Method for Continual Monitoring th Natural Ventilating Prssur
- Estimation of Fugitive Dust Impacts of Open-Mit Mines on Local Air Quality - A Case Study: Bllavista Gold Min, Costa Rica
- Rockburst and Fall of Ground Investigations in Deep LevelGold Mines: South African Example
- Acoustic Anemometry Control Mans Elaboration for Coal Mines
- Reduction of Toxic Components Released by Motor Vhicles inQuarries
- Designing The Ventilation System For Galandroud Coal Mine
- Health, Safety, Environmental&Community Management: A Case Study For Rio-Tinto IMEx Turkey
- Using of Expert Systems in Ventilation Systems Controlling
- Prediction of Methane Emission Out of Seams on The Basis of Geodynamic Deposit Zonation
- Health and Safety at Work in Th Romanian Mining Industry Prsent and Future
- Modelling, Management and Planning
- Life Cycle Management - A Growing Trend
- Application of Web-based Knowledge Management Systems in Th Mineral Industry
- SLO-A Program for Stope Limit Optimisation Using A Heuristic Algorithm
- Artificial Nural Networks Provide a Toolbow for Anlyzing The Prssur Transient Data Collected in Coalbed Methane Drainage Wells
- Planning of Development of Mining Oprations and Freiht Traffics at an Open Cast by Anlytic-Imitation Systems
- The Ground Control Management Plan of a Mine: Ovacık Glod Mine Example
- Dry Gas Injection or Underground Gas Storag
- Optimized Open Pit Min Planning and Schduling
- Designing of Information Model of Mines
- Systm Dynamics Applications in The Mining Industry
- A Guideline for DSS System for Underground Mining Mthod Selection
- Mineral Procssing and Coal Preparation
- Reduction of Sulfur Oxide Emissions by Means of Mechanical Preparation of Hard Coal
- Flotation of A Sulphid Or Using High Celocity Water Jets
- A Novel Collector for Flotation of Phosphate Minerals
- Rio Tinto Borax's Initiative on Sustainable Development in Mining Oprations
- Effect of Alkalinity on Flotation Behavior of Quartz
- Briquutting of Afşin/Elbistan and Sorgun/Yozgat Lignits without Adding a Binder
- Selective Speration of Na-K Feldspar in Nephlin Syenite
- Microwave Heating Characteristics and Microwave Assisted Magnetic Enhancement of Pyrit
- Comparison of the Combustion Characteristics of Three Different Fossil Fuels from Turkey
- Th Krbs Gmax Cyclone Development In The CoalIndustry
- Effect of Surface Area, Growth Mdia and Inert Solids on Biolaching of Complex Zinc/Lead Sulphides
- Characterization of Surface Roughness of Calcite by BET and Surtronic 3+ Techniqus
- The Effect of Chemical Treatment on The Production of Active Silica from Ric Husk
- Masonry Units Hat-Insulating from No-Fines Lighweight Concrete (Pumic)
- Th Effect of Fraction of Mill Critical Speed on Kinetic Breakage Parameters of Clinker and Limestone in a Laboratory Ball Mill
- Relatinships Between Bond's Grindability (Gbg) and Breakage Parameters of Grinding Kinetic on Limeston
- Feldspar Beneficiation from Manisa Alaşehir Pegmatits
- Bacterial Leaching of Pyrite
- The Effect of Reagent Addition Points and Aeration on the Flotation Performance of Sulphid Minerals
- Bioleaching of a Complx Sulphid Or by Mesophilic and Extrmly Thermophilic Bactria: Statistical Anlysis of Data Using Erguns's Test
- Th Flotation of Murgul - Çakmakkaya Coppr Min and Th Determination of the Results of Locked Cycle Flotation Tests
- Solution of Or Blending Problem by Stochastic Approach
- Statistical Design and Optimization of Laching Tsts for Iron Removal from Pyrophyllite Ore
- Determination of Leaching Conditions of Sphalerit Concentrate in Acidic Ferric Chlorid Solution
- Sorption of Nonionic Organic Contaminants by Organo-Zeolite
- Briquetting of Washed Coal Fins of Merzifon-Yeni Çeltek Coal Enterpris
- Utilisation of Granite Sawing Mud and Borax Tailings as A Ceramic Material
- The Effct of Circulating Load and Tst Sieve Size on The Bond Work Index Based on Natural Amorphous Silica
- Modern Condition of Hard-to-Processing Ores in The Republic of Kazakhstan
- Controlled Stabilization of Nanoparticulate Suspnsions
- A Simpler and More Cost Effective Solid-Liquid Sepration for the Mining Industry
- Technique of Definition of Costs on Separet Kinds Mining Chemical Products by Their Complex Processing
- Miscellaneous
- The Ancient <<Actors>> of the Mining - Metallurgical Beginning
- Economic Criteria of Ore Deposits Mined with Consolidated Stowing
- Pecularities of Regulation of Nature-Using in Mining Regions of Kazakhstan
- Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Building Stones from P-Wave Velocity
- A Critical Approach to Usage of Diamond Segmentd Fram Saws
- Thorium as A Nuclear Fuel
- Improving The Strength Characteristics of The Pumice Aggregate Lightweight Concrtes
- Author Index