Açıklama: 209
Yıl: 2001
Okunma Sayısı: 15
- Foreword
- Organization of the Congress The Executive Board of the Chamber of Mining Engineers, Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Congress Chairman, Intarnational Advisory Committee Continent-Chairmen, Committee Members
- Table Of Contents
- Keynote and Invited Papers
- Overview of Fround Control Research for Underground Coal Mines in The United States
- Use of the Internet and Information Technologyin Mining
- Development and Challenges in the Canadian Mining Industry
- Recent Developments and Outlook for Clean Energy from Coal without Combustion
- Modern Mining Technology and its Application within RAG Coal International AG
- Research and Innovations for Continuous Miner's Cutting Head, for Efficient Cutting Process of Rock/Coal
- Thin Spray-on Liners for Underground Rock Support
- Application of Remotly Sensed Data and GIS in Assessing the Impact of Mining Activities on the Environment
- Cyanides in the Environment and Their Long-Term Fate
- Engineering Education at a Crossroad: AN Intergrative Approach
- Rock-Related Accidents, Investigations and Inwuiries in South African Mines
- Open Pit Optimization-Strategies for Improving Economics of Mining Projects Through Mine Planning
- Stope Optimiser - A FORTRAN Program to Optimise Stope Boundaries
- Application of Advanced Technologies to Delineate Ground Hazards in Coal Mines
- New Approach to Study Load Transfer Mechanisms of Fully Grouted Bolts
- Application of Tunnel Boring Machines in Underground Mine Development
- In Situ Measurements in a Paste Backfill: Backfill and Rock Mass Response in the Context of Rockburst
- Management of Waste in the Mineral Processing in the Baia Mare Area
- Linking Long-Term Environmental Liability and Closure: A Necessary Development Towards Walk-Away Closure
- Methodology for Estimating the Costs of Treatment of Mine Drainage
- Microbial Treatment of Cyanide and Heavy Metals Containing Waste Water from gold Mining
- Mining Engineering Education Using the Internet
- Mining and Society: No Mining, No Future
- Safety and Welfare of Mine Employees in Australian Black CoalMines
- 1 Advanced Technology in Mining
- Knowledge Discovery in Mining Truck Condition and Performance Databases
- Performance of the Bigger, Faster and Smarter New Generation Electric Mining Shovels
- Assesing Spontaneous Combustion Risk in South African Coal Mines Using a GIS Tool
- A New Aapproach to Monitoring in th Advanced Dispatching System for Coal Mines
- Devices for Breaking and Haulage of Rocks on the Basis of Electromagnetic Motors
- 2 Rock Engineering & Desing
- Stabilty Analysis and Support Design of Glandroud CoalMine Tunnel
- Some Considerations of Highwall Mining Systems in CoalMines
- The Stability Assessment of a Large Underground Opening at Great Depth
- The Next Atlas Copco Generation of Tunnel-Rigs and Some Exprience
- Evolution of Blasting Practices at the Ekati Diamond Mine
- Evaluation and Analysis of Blasting Procedures for Removing Hard Formations at the South Field Lignite Mine,Ptolemais, Greece
- Increasing the Effectiveness of Blasting in Underground Mines
- Timing Simulation for th Selection of Optimum Delay Time
- An Approach for Selection and Design of Rock Bolting Systems
- Temporary (Short-Term) Mining Workings Stability
- Backfill Practices at Çayeli Mine
- Critical Diemension Concept in Pillar Stability
- Analytical Investigation of Overburden Rock Strata Movement During Monitoring of Rock Massif at Stage of Finishing of Ore Deposit Mining
- Estimation of Current Condition of Undermined Rock Massif by Deflection of the Earth's Surface
- The Geometrical and Geomechanical Characteristics of SublevelCaving
- Going Underground in Quarrying: Technical Perspectivs for Marble in Portugal
- Mining and Technical Monitoring at Coal Mines
- Impact of Blast Fragmentation on Truck Shovl Fleet Performance
- Estimation of Currnt Condition of Undermined Rock Massif with Regard to Thickness of Mining
- Drilling for Underground Excavation and Support in Sedimentary Rock
- Yielding Pillar Concept and its Design
- Investigation into Relationship Between Cutting Depth and Vibration in Cutting Process
- The Effects of Specimen Volume, Temperature and Water Content on Shore Hardness
- Failure and Failure Theories for Anisotropic Rocks
- An Analysis of the Effect of Discontinuity Surface Matching on Shear Strength by Image Processing
- Diversity of Electrical Conductivity in a Water-Bearing Rock Material
- Estimation of Lining Thickness Around Circular Shafts
- New Anchorage Capacity Testing System and Pull-O ut Applications in Yniçltek Coal Mine
- Studies in the Relationships between Hardgrove Grindability and Some Rock Index Tests on Çayırhan Coals
- 3 Mining & Environment
- Assessment of Open Pit Coal Mining Impacts Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study from Turkey
- Rational Us and Environmental Impacts of Oil Shal Mining in Estonia
- Soil Fertility in Coal Sterile Dump Assessment in Jiu Valley - Romania
- Underground Disposal of Hazardous Wastes in German Mines
- Environmental Impacts of Mineral Resource Exploitation and Use
- Monitoring of Damaged Areas Affected byMining Activity and Possibilities for Reclamation
- Possible Ecological Consewuences of Liquidation of Mines of Mirgalimsai Deposit
- Acid Mine Drainage at Sarcheshmeh Copper Open Pit Mine
- Waste Management Practices at Çayeli Bakır İşletmeleri A.Ş.
- Design Considerations of Heap Leaching at Sarcheshmh Open Pit Copper Mine
- 4 Mining Engineering Education
- Upgrading Miners Knowledge Through Websit Learning on Mining Methods for Improved Safety and Productivity
- Use of an Integrated Mining Software Package for the Training of Mining Technologists
- Mining Engineering Postgraduate Education by Distance Learning Through the Internet
- 5 Natural Resource Management
- Technological and Economic Evolution of Diamond Wire Use in Granite or Similar Stone Quuuuuarries
- Application of Pit Optimisation Algorithms Beyond Open Pit Limits
- Present State of Hard Coal Underground Mining in the Czech Republic
- Economic-Environmental Description of the Exqloitation Method by Horizontal Slices and Ore pass in Italian Surface Crushed Stone Quarries
- Evaluation of Single-Slice and Twin-Face Operations of Çayırhan Lignite Seams
- Local Sustainable Development in Districts with Current Exploitation of Lingnite Fields
- Technical Efficiency Measurmnt and Occupational Safety Level. The Case of Greek Lignit Mining
- The U.K.Coal Industry sinc Privatisation in 1995
- Effect of Indicator Kriging on Recoverable Ore Reserves of El-Gidida Iron Deposit
- Anisotropy Problem in Geostatistical Simulation by Orthogonal Transformed Indicator Methods
- Geostatistical Simulation of a Quuarry
- Technical and Economic Possibilities of Using Low Temperature Geothermal Sources in Croatia
- Ragulation of the Mode of Mining Operations in Open Cast Mining of Steeply Dipping Fields
- The History of the Evolution of Salt Working Methods in Romania, from Antuquity to the Present
- Salt in Turkey
- 6 Computer Applications in Mining & Procssing
- Mathematical Modelling of the Roadheader's Cutting Process
- A New Computer Program for Cutting Head Design of Roadheaders and Drum Shearrs
- The Effects of Operational Parameters on the Output Efficiency of th Bucket Wheel Excavator
- Sumilation of Optimal Control for Mining Drilling Robot
- Development of a Software Tool for the Prediction of Coal-Blending Efficiency
- Computer Modelling of Geomechanical Processes in Underground Working of Coal Seams
- Improving Safety in Open Pit Mines Using RTK - Differential GPS
- Predicting Horizontal Movement for a Tunnel by Empirical and FE Methods
- Evaluation of Slope Stabilty by Numerical Methods
- A Mathematical Model of Simple Flotation Circuits
- Computer Simulation of Truck/Shovel System at Tunçbilek CoalMin Using GPSS/H
- Optimum Blending of Coal by Linear Programming for the Power Plant at Seyitömer Coal Mine
- 7 Process Engineering
- Study of the Flotation Process by Simulation
- Prespective Trends in Fine Coal Slimes Flotation
- Complex Coal Processing of Kazakstan Dposits
- Application of Aeration to Complex Sulphide Ore and its Effects on Circuit Performance
- New Filter Selection, Installation, Commissioning and Operation at CBI Concentrator
- Interaction of Original and Heat-Treated Sepiolites with Quaternary Amines
- The Application of Colemanite Addition to Floor Tile Glazes
- Productivity of Brown Coal for Briquette Production
- A New Microscale Flotation Cell: Combination of Canadian Column and Partridge-Smith Cell
- Concentration Studies on Chromite Tailings by Multi Gravity Seperator
- Influence of Coal Face Mechanization on the Properties of Çayırhan Lignite
- Application of the Dry Process on Concentration of Boron Ores
- 8 Health & Safety
- An Outline of a Hybrid Intelligent System for Mine Safety Analysis
- New Acoustic Anemometers for the Mining Industry
- Opportunities of Improving the Microclimate in Underground Mines by Heat-and Hydro-Isolation
- Managing the Impact of HIV-AIDS on African Mining
- Development of A Portable Coal Seams Gas Analyser
- 9 Practical Solutions to Mining Problems
- Designing a Pullback Drdagline Panel for Dipping Coal Seams Condutions
- Visual Aspect of Mine Avaluation; A Case Study
- Draw Control Optimisation in the Context of Production Scheduling
- High Technologies of the Underground Extraction of Kazakhstan Fields
- The Assesment of Salt Production Drilling
- Ore Deposit Mining with Goaf Stowing in Kazakhstan
- The Effect of Desing Peculiarities of the Elastic Linr of A Hoisting Machine on the Durabilty of Rope and Liner
- Technique of No-Pillar Production and Repeated Development of Mineral Deposits with Ice-Rock Laying of Worked-Out Space
- Çayeli Underground Cu-Zn Mine
- A Mine Site Laboratory from Exploration to Closure: A Cas Study
- Author Index